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21 October, 2007 (15:20) | | By: marieke

4 en 5 Oktober 2007 was O+ aanwezig bij het European Festival WISER in Maastricht.

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Get Wiser
The amount of women on key positions in academia is dramatically low. However, at the moment there are enough qualified women to take up positions in science, research and education. If only those women and the academic institutions recognise the opportunities for female talent.

WISERWomen in Science Research and Education – was a two-day arena of refreshing and confronting debates and programmes on the meaning and the implications of making science truly inclusive. WISER was opened by Ronald Plasterk, the Dutch Minister of Education, Culture and Science. Click here for the Ministers speech. After his words the Minister was offered 95 statements on the promotion of women in the Academia. A Dutch and English version of the statements can be downloaded.

Lees ook:
How many women on the top
Vrouwen in de wetenschap


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